Thousands of protestors across the UK joined the No to War in Ukraine Global Day of Action yesterday. The whole country was covered in protest with over 50 events taking place over the weekend from the Isle of Wight to Aberdeen – thank you to everyone who joined their local protest!
The huge day of events reflects the widespread desire for peace in the Ukraine amongst the British public with a ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Russian troops top of the demands throughout the demonstrations and vigils. A recognition of the dangers of any nuclear conflict was also at the forefront of people’s minds, as was an understanding that NATO’s aggressive expansion over the past 30 years has also played a role in sparking the current conflict.

Trafalgar Square, 06/03/22. Photo: Isabell Jezek
The demonstration in London packed out Trafalgar Square and heard speeches from Jeremy Corbyn, Lindsey German, Tariq Ali and many more including National Union of Students President, Larrisa Kennedy, and the National Education Union’s Alex Kenny.
Speaking at the conclusion of the rally, Jeremy Corbyn began his speech by saying that ‘there can never be any justification for launching missiles at civilian targets’. He continued by saying that ‘if you can agree a ceasefire to allow for humanitarian corridors, you can agree a ceasefire to stop the war’ and highlighted the bravery of anti-war protestors in Russia. He also reminded the crowds of the ongoing British-backed Saudi war in Yemen which has created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. It was a vital reminder of the destruction that our government’s war policies reap around the world.
Stop the War Convenor, Lindsey German, said the conflict in Ukraine reminded her of the ‘sickness and horror’ of the Vietnam War – the first war she protested against in a lifetime of anti-war activity. She went on to remind the crowd that the current conflict hasn’t just begun in the last few weeks but has its origins in the post-Cold War world where the wars in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and the bombing of Libya have helped create the conditions that have led to Russia’s invasion. She concluded by stating that ‘the anti-war movement is not going to take lessons from our government in how to fight for peace’ and that Stop the War ‘will continue to fight for a just peace for everyone across the world’.
Andrew Feinstein, author of Shadow World, also highlighted other conflicts around the world which the anti-war movement must campaign against saying that ‘as we demand an end to War in Ukraine we must also call for an end to War in Yemen & Palestine’. Likewise Tariq Ali highlighted Putin’s war in Chechnya which was backed by Western governments including Tony Blair’s Labour. Ali also criticised Keir Starmer’s ‘non-existent opposition’ which continued its ongoing support for the Tory government throughout the crisis in Ukraine whilst trying to stamp out anti-war voices in his own party.
Other speakers included Chris Hazard of Sinn Fein who said that ‘the ordinary people of Europe want peace and social justice’ and Kate Hudson of CND who highlighted the danger of any nuclear escalation by reminding the crowd that ‘any war between Russia and NATO will put over 12,000 nuclear warheads on alert’.
You can find clips of all the speakers on our Twitter and Facebook pages.
Here’s some photos and videos from protests around the country…
In Manchester around 300 people chanted, marched, and gave money to the Ukrainian appeal…

Liverpool held a brilliant rally…

Over 100 people joined a demo in Brighton…
And hundreds also joined a protest not far down the coast in Worthing…

Glaswegians joined a sunny protest against the War on the Buchanan Steps…

Former Labour MP and now Secretary of the People’s Assembly, Laura Pidcock, addressed a protest in Durham…
In Newcastle, a sizeable crowd gathered on Grey Street, to call for peace and oppose sending troops to Ukraine or imposing a ‘no-fly zone’ in a bid to end Russian aggression…

Cardiff showed solidarity with the Ukrainian people with a protest demanding: Russian Troops Out Now – No to Warmongers East & West – No to NATO escalation – No to Nuclear War – Open the Borders to Refugees, Victims of War…

Over 50 people joined a vigil in Plymouth…

Photos: Andrew Hastings




This is just a flavour of the protests around the country. If you’ve got photos or videos from your events you’d like to send us please email them to office@stopwar.org.uk