Mairead Maguire has appealed to President Trump for a push for peace

Mairead Maguire

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Mairead Maguire who visited the women’s peace movements of North and South Korea last year with 30 women from around the world made the following appeal to president Trump and the USA administration:

“The people of North and South Korea want peace and they want a peace treaty. They do not want their country to be bombed or their government to bomb others. Having visited both North and South Korea last year and walked with thousands and thousands of Korean women, North and South, I am convinced that peace is possible and what is needed is the political will of all parties to the conflict to dialogue and for negotiation to move from a Korean armistice to a korean peace treaty.

I therefore would like to appeal to president Trump and his administration not to carry out a military strike on North Korea, but to use the means of dialogue and diplomacy to reach a peace treaty for north korea.  such peace leadership by president trump will give hope to the people of Korea and all of humanity.

The people of the world need to know that peace is possible between all the human family and that there are political leaders who have the courage to move from enmity to friendship and war to peace.”

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, 25th April 2017

Source: Peace People

27 Apr 2017