It was a rainy evening in Camden Town but that didn’t deter local activists from coming out and campaigning against the threat of war in Ukraine on Tuesday night. And it didn’t stop huge members of local people signing the petition.
Keir Starmer launched an attack on Stop the War Coalition last week and cemented his position firmly in opposition to the anti-war movement. On Tuesday, his constituents proved they don’t hold the same views as they stood out in the rain and handed out Stop the War statements and signed petitions.
Local people were eager to stop and discuss their concerns about the current situation and add their name to the petition to send a message out that Starmer’s views do not reflect their own, and that his fanning of the flames of war is not done in their name.
In all of the discussion that we had there were no comments in support of a war against Russia but there were many concerns about the West purposely raising the fear of war and the UK utilising the situation to divert attention away from internal issues.
As well as Stop the War activists we were joined by local Labour party and Momentum members who are opposed to their MP’s comments on NATO and are adamant there must be no return to the Blair years of Labour leaders promoting wars.
The anti-war movement is alive and kicking in his own constituency.
We’ll be returning to Camden on Saturday 19th February, this time in Kentish Town, starting at 2:30pm; please join us. Click here for more information.
If you would like to help build the movement in your area we are strongly encouraging all groups to hold petitioning and leafleting sessions in your local areas, please get in touch (office@stopwar.org.uk) for more information.