Members and supporters of the Tudeh Party of Iran salute the No To Trump demonstration in London today
Tadeh Party of Iran

“We say NO TO TRUMP because his government encourages another war in the Middle East and is undermining international law!”
Members and supporters of the Tudeh Party of Iran salute the NO TO TRUMP demonstration in London today.
We protest alongside you against the presence of the president of the United States in the UK – a figure who personifies hatred, jingoism, arrogance and rejection of peace, human and democratic rights and international law.
We say NO TO TRUMP because of his abrogation of and complete disregard for international agreements and conventions! His presidency has torn apart the nuclear agreement with Iran, is arming dictators in Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt and is encouraging them to wreak havoc and bring further destabilisation to the Middle East!
We say NO TO TRUMP because he is standing against the international public opinion that supports an independent state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel based upon UN Resolutions.
We say NO TO TRUMP because his government encourages another war in the Middle East and is undermining international law!
Donald Trump has imposed the widest possible economic and banking sanctions on Iran that have devasted the country’s economy. In fact the war on Iran has already started and is killing the weakest, the sick, the infirm, the elderly and the poor.
The rise in the tensions in the region and prospects of another military adventure cannot be of benefit to the people of Iran, the Middle East nor the entire world. It can only benefit the industrial-military complex and all those private companies and contractors whose business is “war”.
The Tudeh Party of Iran believes that only the people of Iran have the right to determine the future of political developments in Iran. We stand in solidarity with the people of Iran in their struggle for peace, democracy, social justice, and progress.
Source: Tudeh Party of Iran