The Stop the War Coalition annual general meeting on 7 September 2019 passed the following motions
1 – Membership
Submitted by StW Officers
Stop the War AGM resolves:
2 – StW Societies in Universities
Submitted by University of York Student Society
This conference believes:
That it is essential to build the anti-war movement, given the current climate of escalation with regards to Iran, Venezuela, and others.
That crucial support for the movement could come from students, who are uniquely placed to create a popular protest movement, and who have a high level of political engagement.
That student groups have already been established across the country, for example in York, and that these groups have been working towards creating an anti-war student consciousness.
That through links with political parties, CND, Veterans for Peace, PPU, and others, these student groups are doing essential work.
This conference believes:
That student groups should be supported and established wherever possible.
That these groups are invaluable to the Coalition and need to be given space within the movement.
That by developing student groups, the coalition can ensure the future of the anti-war movement and create a broad base of support for future years, which will be an essential part of overturning the current regime which seeks conflict as a path to profit.
This conference resolves:
To encourage student groups by giving them platforms, speakers and other practical support where possible, giving guidance where sought.
To make events accessible to students and to actively invite them to attend.
To encourage the establishment of University branches of Stop The War Coalition in local universities, and to work closely with them to build the anti-war movement.
4 – The New Cold War and New Weapons of Hybrid Warfare
Submitted by Manchester Stop the War
Conference notes that:
1.1 US foreign policy under President Trump has shifted from the ‘war on terror’ to the containment of Russia and China. In January 2019, US Intelligence highlighted the “threat” from the “growing alignment between China and Russia” which it claimed is “eroding once well-established security norms and increasing the risk of regional conflicts, particularly in the Middle East and East Asia”.
1.2 The US is seeking to enforce a new Cold War worldwide; the UK position in this may well be pivotal.
2.1. The US is weaponising sanctions, using its economic and financial power to isolate target states with the aim of changing their foreign policies and alignments and/or fomenting regime change.
2.2 Economic warfare is used in a pattern of hybrid warfare combining with political/diplomatic warfare, fake news and information warfare as well as cyber-attacks.
2.3 These hybrid means are directed at civilian populations in target states, designed to affect public opinion and create instability, whilst bolstering opposition with economic and financial support so as to bring about civil war.
Conference resolves to:
5 – Local Groups, Public Meetings and Speakers
Submitted by Newcastle Stop the War
Effective local groups are the lifeblood of a national movement. Stop the War Coalition is committed to using its resources to build a strong network of local groups.
Public meetings are central to local activity. They increase awareness of important issues, raise the profile of STWC, bring a wide range of people together and strengthen our campaigning and organising.
It is vital that local groups organise regular public meetings on relevant and topical issues, with speakers reflecting the breadth and diversity of the movement. While groups will have knowledge of local campaigners who can speak, it can also be useful to invite visiting keynote speakers with expert knowledge or a higher profile.
To support local groups, STWC therefore resolves to compile a list of potential guest speakers who can be approached to speak at public meetings. This will be shared with all local groups.
6 – Climate Change & War
Submitted by StW Officers
Conference Notes:
In the New World Disorder and resisting war in the 21st century, you cannot ignore the impact of climate change.
We see this most immediately with the drums of war being beaten ( via weaponization of economic tools ) by the Trump administration as a prelude to regime change for access to oil and other fossil fuels, public opinion response to the climate emergency and the success of Extinction Rebellion.
7 – Iran and the Special Relationship
Submitted by StW Officers
Conference notes:
Conference resolves:
8 – Julian Assange
Submitted by Lewisham Stop the War
This AGM notes that
Stop the War Resolves to
9 – US-UK War Drive on Iran
Submitted by Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran
This Conference Notes:
1) For 40 years, Iran has been the target of sanctions, destabilisation and military threats as well as an eight year imposed war by the US and UK and their allies whose imperial interests in the Middle East, with the world’s largest oil and gas reserves, have been challenged by the 1979 revolution in Iran.
2) The Iran Nuclear Treaty (JCPOA), enshrined in international law in 2015 by the UNSC resolution 2231, has been a major achievement of international diplomacy between Iran and the permanent members of the UNSC plus Germany.
3) The current crisis has been precipitated by the illegal withdrawal of the Trump Administration from JCPOA and imposition of crippling sanctions by the US on Iran, at the behest of the neo-cons, Saudi Arabia, UAE and above all Israel, the only nuclear armed state in the Middle East. The Islamic Republic, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, had been fully complying with its obligations under the treaty.
4) The neoconservatives of the Trump administration in alliance with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE are using their strategy of “maximum pressure” to inflict “maximum pain” on ordinary Iranian people, already resulting in hundreds of deaths due to shortage or high price of medicine, in order to enforce a regime change in the country.
5) In building their war drive on Iran, the US and the UK have increased by more than 87 percent in the past five years their arms sale to Saudi Arabia and UAE, who with the US and UK support have created the world’s largest humanitarian crisis in their criminal war against Yemeni people. The US has sent thousands of troops and several war ships to the region in the past few months and has called on its allies to join an anti-Iran fleet under the pretext of protecting commercial shipping in the Persian Gulf.
6) The UK, after illegally seizing the Iranian super tanker Grace 1 off the coast of Gibraltar at the behest of the US in July, has joined, with Australia and Bahrain, the anti-Iran US led armada and has sent several war ships to the Persian Gulf in the past few months. Together with the illegal deployment of the British Army in Syria in support of the US, this has massively increased the military intervention of the UK in the Middle East.
7) While the US and its allies accuse Iran of “malign” regional activities, they turn a blind eye to Israel’s military aggression in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and, more recently, Iraq.
8) Notwithstanding their lip service to the Iran treaty, the UK, Germany and France under pressure from US and in violation of JCPOA have refused to safeguard Iran’s economic benefits under JCPOA and have stopped buying oil amounting to 90% of trade with Iran.
9) Since UK, Germany and France have failed to honour their obligations to protect Iran’s economic and trade interests after the US withdrawal from JCPOA, Iran has the right under paragraphs 26 and 36 of the treaty to reduce its treaty obligations, which it says are reversible within a few minutes if the EU complies with their treaty obligations.
This Conference believes:
1) By its withdrawal from JCOPA, the Trump administration bears the full responsibility for the current crisis and military stand-off. The same cabal of neoconservatives who in alliance with Israel concocted the pretext for the catastrophic 2003 invasion of Iraq are desperately seeking to repeat their mission this time regarding Iran with whatever means, including by false flag operations and hypocritical demonisation of Iran, given their own war crimes and crimes against peace in the region and the barbaric laws and conditions in their vassal states in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain.
2) The US led and UK supported naval buildup in the Persian Gulf, as the tanker incidents in the region in May and June testify, as well as the military aggression of Israel against multiple countries in the region can potentially lead to a military conflict which can quickly explode into a conflagration and human catastrophe in the Middle East with the disruption of flow of oil from the Persian Gulf and the subsequent huge impact on the world economy.
3) As in Iraq, Libya and Syria, illegal sanctions, foreign state interference, destabilization program and military threats and interventions by the West are greatly harmful to the cause of human rights, democratic rights and the civil society in Iran.
This Conference demands the Tory Government:
This conference resolves:
Stop The War Coalition to launch an online campaign for people to write to and meet their MPs for the above demands to be taken up by the House of Commons.
10 – The Need for an Ethical UK Foreign Policy
Submitted by Labour CND
STW’s 2019 Annual Meeting is aware of:
a) the USA’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in August this year
b) its unilateral withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018;
c) the failure of Korean Peninsula denuclearisation talks to make progress; and
d) President Trump’s announcement of a $1.2 trillion programme for nuclear weapons ‘modernisation’ with an emphasis on ‘usable’ nuclear weapons.
We believe the Trump administration’s abandonment of international arms control treaties and greater focus on nuclear weapons development is likely to:
e) generate increased international instability;
f) lead to more regional conflicts; and
g) introduce the prospect of a new nuclear arms race.
We note with concern the greater likelihood of a UK government led by Boris Johnson aligning Britain with Trump’s militaristic approach to foreign policy, especially in circumstances where a Johnson-led government is seeking closer trade relations with north America.
In an increasingly dangerous world, this AGM:
h) recognises the need to develop an ethical foreign policy for the UK;
i) supports the approach of former STW chair Jeremy Corbyn, of a foreign policy guided by the values of human rights, conflict resolution, and social justice; and
j) decides that STW will take opportunities that arise to work in cooperation with others to encourage development of an ethical approach to UK foreign policy with conflict resolution and the abandonment of nuclear weapons at its core.
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