British Yemeni soldier Ahmed al-Batati, the film’s presenter Matt Kennard and StWC Convenor, Lindsey German discuss Declassified UK’s latest documentary

Stop the War Coalition joined forces with Declassified UK to present a special Q&A session responding to Matt Kennard & Phil Miller’s recent documentary Warton’s War on Yemen. The film investigates an arms factory in Warton, Lancashire making warplanes to bomb Yemen – the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

We hope this Q&A shines further light on the tragedy taking place in Yemen and the role the British government is playing supporting the destruction there.

For the Q&A we’re joined by British Yemeni soldier Ahmed al-Batati, the film’s presenter journalist Matt Kennard and Stop the War Convenor, Lindsey German. Shelly Asquith is chairing.

24 Nov 2021