Watch/listen back to our meeting at the Human Rights Action Centre with Michael Mansfield KC, Raghad Altikriti, Ben Jamal, Chris Nineham, Liz Fekete and more…

Listen back via Spotify. Due to technical error Jude Lanchin and Jan Neilsen’s contribution do not feature on the podcast.

The recent cycle of demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in Gaza have seen record numbers of people protesting. Government attempts to demonise the huge marches for peace as threatening ‘hate marches’ have failed to stop thousands from pouring onto the streets each week.

Although the marches are entirely peaceful the police have been out in record numbers, have attempted to intimidate protestors and have arrested a number of individuals on spurious grounds. Along with their political overlords the police have placed restrictions on the marches wherever possible.

This is an attack on democracy, not a defence of it. The right to protest is inherent to our democracy and must be defended.

Watch back our meeting at the Human Rights Action Centre with Michael Mansfield KC, Jude Lanchin, Jan Nielsen, Raghad Altikriti, Ben Jamal, Chris Nineham, Jun Pang and Liz Fekete – to discuss how to defend our rights at this dangerous moment.

13 Mar 2024 by Stop the War