Leave a gift in your will to Stop the War Coalition and help secure a peaceful world for future generations.

By leaving a gift to StWC you will be providing much needed support for the anti-war movement.

Since our founding in 2001 the world has become an increasingly dangerous place. The never ending push for war and increased militarism has been embraced by consecutive governments. The Isamophobia on our shores has increased to a horrific extent. The squandering of public funds on militarism is a disgrace when millions are living in poverty. Along with supporting Palestinian rights, these areas are the focus of all our campaigns.

We may not all live to see the day when the world is at peace, our government ceases to be led by imperialist dreams, and an end to the trans-Atlantic alliance and profits for arms manufacturers, but by leaving a legacy to StWC you are helping future generations look forward to a more peaceful world.

Income from legacies can provide considerable assistance to help fund our campaigns. For further information please contact office@stopwar.org.uk and a member of staff will be in touch to talk you through what is involved.

Why should I make a will?

A will is the only way of ensuring that your dependants are provided for in the way you wish after your death. Verbal agreements made during your lifetime have no legal effect, so loved ones could suffer – especially a partner you’re not married to.

If you die without a will – or ‘intestate’ – a court will appoint administrators to deal with the distribution of everything you own – your ‘estate’. They won’t know your personal wishes and priorities and will divide your estate according to strict rules you will have no control over.

Making a will helps your loved ones. 

Finalising the affairs of someone who has died intestate can be a long, complicated and expensive process.  Your loved ones may be unable to gain access to the money you intended for them without incurring legal costs that could reduce the value of the estate.

Making a will lets you choose.

If your estate is more than adequate for your dependants, and you are passionate about certain causes, like StWC, a will lets you leave money or property to them too. It can’t be done without one.

How can I be sure my will is valid and accurate?

It is always best to have your will drawn up by an experienced solicitor. A will is a legal document and trying to write your own can be difficult. One slip can cause the whole document to be invalid.

How much will it cost me?

The cost of a straightforward will can be as little as £100, although it is best to get quotes from several solicitors. Many provide have online will making services. If you are a trade union member, your union is likely to provide a discounted will service too.

Before meeting or speaking with your solicitor or will-writing service, prepare the following:

Valuing your estate

Make a list of all your assets including:

• House and its contents
• Car
• Items of special value such as jewellery and antiques
• Savings
• Investments and life insurance
• Business assets
• Money owed to you

Estimate their combined value and then deduct:

• Money you owe
• Mortgage
• Overdraft
• Loans
• Hire purchase agreements
• Credit cards

Naming executors

You must choose the persons you would like to administer your estate (usually two). One could be your solicitor and the other a relative or friend. It’s important to gain their consent before naming them.

Choosing guardians

If you have children under 18 you should appoint guardians. This provides for their care in the event of your partner dying before you or at the same time. Again, check that those named are agreeable to taking on this responsibility.

Witnessing your signature

For the will to be legal it must be signed by you in the presence of two witnesses who must also sign it. They must not be beneficiaries or related to beneficiaries.

How do I know what to leave?

Once you have calculated the total worth of your assets and made all deductions, you will know the value of your estate. You can now draw up a list of thos you wish to benefit, by how much and in what way. At this point, you may also consider leaving StWC a share of the residue that is left over once all major bequests have been made.

What types of bequest are there?

There are three main types of bequest that you can leave to individuals and organisations:

Specific bequest

This is a gift of property or a physical item, such as a piece of jewellery or an antique.

Pecuniary bequest

This is a gift of a set amount of money, such as £500 for a young nephew or £1,000 for a good cause.

Residuary bequest

This is a gift of all or part of what is left of your estate after taxes and debts are paid and all your other legacies have been distributed – known as the ‘residue.’

Your will must include instructions for the distribution of your estate’s residue otherwise the government will distribute it according to current legislation.

Which type of bequest is best for StWC?

Of course, we are always delighted to receive specific or pecuniary bequests, which can provide a much-needed boost to our resources and work. However, a residuary bequest is by far the most effective way of remembering us in your will because it ensures that your family and dependents are provided for in exactly the way you want and we receive much-needed funds that will help us plan our work with confidence.

Moreover, because its value tends to adjust in line with inflation, it means that we receive the support you intended, regardless of changing financial situations.

Why would I need to update my will?

Keeping your will up to date is as important as making it. Your wishes, your circumstances and your family can change over the years – and the value of pecuniary bequests will be eroded by inflation. The main reasons for updating your will are:

How do I change my will?

Never write on your will – that would invalidate it. Major changes may call for a new will, which would be easier to arrange the second time around.

Minor additions can be made using a separate document called a codicil, which must be signed and witnessed as with the will, though the witnesses need not be the same. It must be kept with the will but not attached to it.

Giving to a cause that you wish to support, such as StWC, can readily be done by adding a codicil to an existing will. If in doubt, contact your solicitor.

Can I make my bequest to StWC tax exempt?

StWC is a campaigning organisation rather than a charity, which means your bequest will not be tax exempt.

To discuss this, or any other aspect of leaving a bequest to StWC,  feel free to contact us on 020 7561 4830 or email office@stopwar.org.uk. Our registered office address is Stop the War Coalition, 86 Durham Road, London, N7 7DT.